Now, that is a good question to begin with no? Especially because we've been wondering ourselves! For people who are on my Twitter or Facebook, you know I've been doing time pass :P My in laws left earlier than scheduled thanks to a family emergency, but the 2 weeks they stayed with us was being in food heaven. I'm still paying for my excesses on the treadmill.
The last two months have been relaxing. No experiments with food, no pics taken, no awkward poses standing on chairs, no fighting about who took the best pic ( Ya, we do that and I win :D) Sorry, make that better pic. Anyway, in the name of food blogging and in the name of being a young (me only!), fun ( me!) and hip ( me again! ) couple, we'd forgotten to cook/eat some regular food. It'd been ages since I made a simple Rasam in my house or simple Roti sabzi. We had to deal with the bookmark demon no? So, its not our fault. Come mother in law - I woke up early like the good daughter in law and made Indian breakfasts for A (who acted like he didn't know me for about 2 weeks) kept food hot for him and didn't roll my eyes and ask him to eat cereal :P But then I didn't need to. His mom took care of him and me. Our routine was simple :P Get up, make bfast for A, pack his lunch (which used to be tortilla with leftover sabzi/curry/pickle) or whatever was leftover from previous night :D. Now, A had a 3 course meal for lunch. Fresh Rotis with leftover sabzi (given with a heavy heart), yogurt, a fruit - all cut up and in a small box, a snack or bhakshanam ( read Murukku) and a dessert. And he didn't put on an ounce!!!
My routine was simple too. Get up, eat bfast. No one else eats bfast but me. So, like a queen, I'd gobble the dosas, wait for the clock to strike 12 for lunch. Hot steaming food again. Eat, relax, complain about Atlanta's heat, talk about what's going to be cooked for dinner, think of making something special for in laws and quickly chuck the idea off the head lest anyone finds out, watch Clint Eastwood movies (my Father in law is a huge fan) and doze off when he starts shooting. Get up at 3, exclaim about napping, make chai or coffee, eat with snacks (only me!) and gossip and plan evening dinner again, and shopping. Cook dinner - fight with mother in law about who wants to make rotis for A. Let her win :D and eat dinner. Eat hot laddu every night watching TV or playing a board game. Now tell me, would you want to come back to cook for yourself, take pics, blog, and work at all? Be honest, please!
That is why it took so long for us to come back. A is still in wonderland dreaming of his mom's next visit. But as always, being the sensible one, I've come back to reality. I saw the Reader. I cannot even count to how many items I have unread. Tough life mine is. So, I decided to rejuvenate myself by going berry picking. I swear I will not buy a berry again. I hate strawberries. Sorry, 'hated.' After eating the ones I picked and the ice cream made by the farmer (!), I'm a convert. Here are some pics! And if you recognize either of us on the street, please do not come and say hi to A. He will freak out and die. Say hi to me and we can act like old friends. I can break the news that I posted our pics on the Internet to him slowly.

Okay this post was for time pass again :D We are getting back to the BBA challenge, the DC challenge and more after this weekend! Oh, this weekend is A's bday too. He turns really old :D So, he is the old man married to a really pretty, young wife. So, I'm celebrating it. By making him spend money on a big breakfast for me and then baking something with his help and cooking more stuff with his help. Since he's helping me, I have a long, ambitious menu. And some gifts - that I wanted myself :D and I sure am expecting a return gift from him.
Sigh, where would I be without venting all my frustrations to all you guys eh? Be back soon ok?
P.S. - Can you all comment on suggestions for return gift? Oh! I almost forgot. Please suggest to him to give me a KitchenAid Stand Mixer as return gift. Thanks for your co-operation, really :D
the strawberry icecream looks soooo good!
I've been wondering why you haven't shown up on my reader for so long. That icecream looks so creamy and delicious.....
Looks like you need to live on treadmill for a few days!! I just saw your other posts. Great job guys!
I am red or pink as a strawberry after reading ur post...yeah what an envious life u got...I tell you if I had my in laws here and it went like urs I would have forgotten that a thing like the Laptop ever existed..
So now that you are back and getting urself into all those daring challenges let me get back to my one and wonly interesting challenge - commenting!
So when is the next post due?? and Btw if I send a bday gift to A will I get a Kitchen Aid return gift??
now if you describe your routine like that... who can complain :) the menu sounds amazing. Even I want dosa for breakfast and laddus with dinner! glad you're blogging again.
And welcome back! You have been missed. Yes, a kitchenaid stand mixer is a must. Even if you don't use it, it looks just awesome on the counter :)
hahahahaaa..this definitely was a vent!! When are you coming back to other one? YOU are very much missed :P
Ha ha !welcome back .. your food & humor have been missed.. I am all geared to hear more...
kitchenaid as a return gift? Hmmmm I am wondering what kind of gift you are planning for him;-)
Welcome back! A kitchen Aid is a must in any kitchen I wouldn't be without mine ;0)
Looks like u had fun with the in-laws. Back to earth now, huh? :)
Ha ha..No wonder you were on so jealous..!
hahaha...loved reading this post :)kitchenaid as return gift? That's a nice one...wonder why i settled (just) for the ice cream maker!!
U're back finally !! yaaaaaaay !! missed seeing pics of what you storm up for all the challenges...have a great weekend and bday and enjoy the return gift !!
Hmmmmm posts show u r fully charged up......gr8 going......
Welcome back ! Ladoos after dinner I would not have been able to resist them that long would probably have had them with my breakfast :-) Sounds like you had a fabulous time....
Oh I am so jealous of you...seems you had a wonderful time, my parents too were here but just for few they are maa ki haatho ka khaana..sigh..kitchenaid stand mixer? oh my my now thats a must, isnt it?
I wish I could go berry picking sometime... or even get fresh blueberries to eat! I'd love that :) really.
I wish I could say all those things for when my in laws visit... I have to be up at 6 and cook all meals then return from work and make dinner!
Happy birthday A!
Nice read!
good to see you back again!
sounds interesting and tempting.
must be nice to take a break! :)
big news on my end is that we are expecting a little one in November :)
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